Saturday, October 9, 2010

Oh Hail Elisabeth Hasselbeck----not!

                                                          taken from

ABC announced Elisabeth Hasselbeck is set to join Good Morning America alongside The View. She will be covering family and children issues as well as lifestlyes. The 33 year old, former contestant of Survivor, will be contributing her opinion on various issues this Monday. She has been on The View since 2003 and has no plans of leaving. She said she wants to broaden her horizons and try new things starting with GMA.

I never really watched GMA but I know will never even try to watch it because I can't stand her. She is so close-minded and ignorant. I understand having beliefs, being conservative, and being a plain old hard core Republican but  I can't stand ignorance of any kind. She lacks so much knowledge on any debate or any time she feels the need to argue her side. If I wanted to hear a juvenile debate  I would go to my little cousins junior high and listen to theirs. She needs to get over herself and realize that she just cost Good Morning America a lot of viewers.

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