Wednesday, September 22, 2010

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The New York Times had an article about whether private colleges are easier graders or not. A study was done and it showed an average GPA of 3.0 at public schools and 3.3 at private schools. The author argued that many of the students are "over-represented" in many fields because of the less strict grading. From experience, I have attended two private colleges, I have noticed that my grades were a lot higher at the private schools. I don't know why that is but I noticed that there weren't many assignments and the professors were very lax with grading. 

Many students said that the private schools were so focused on money that that was all they cared about but if you look at the profiles of some of the professors, they usually hire the cream of the crop. These professors are not ones to mess around and they do not care about the money you give the school. It will always be a mystery why students do better at private schools.

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